Gamestop always for XBONE. Im not sure on the total. $63.70 maybe. 59 plus 6% tax....
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Discussion Forums for COD WW 2
CAG CheechDogg (September 12th, 2017)
CAG CheechDogg (September 14th, 2017)
Riddled (September 13th, 2017)
Riddled (October 18th, 2017)
You could of gotten this game for free Tosya ... all you had to do was vote on top100clans ... I don't understand how hard it is for people to vote to show why CAG is the top clan and show appreciation and why others should join ... I used to give out free shit all time ... most of the time it was just microsoft points for someone getting the first kill on someone from the clan who "I" put a bounty on them when we used to play vs each other because we had so many damn people online every night ...
I don't mind giving out games, headsets, controllers what ever it might be or whatever people would like to win, but people need to show why they are proud of being a member of CAG ... I don't think that is too much to ask for, or is it?
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