The use of this thread is to discuss all terms for this past members return to CAG.
A few days ago Pisspawz messaged me stating that RzaRay contacted him in regarding him returning to CAG.
He was having trouble with email confirmation etc but seems to have managed to log into his old account(RzaRay set as registered user).
I noticed he posted on the forums today on the bf1 beta thread so I took the opportunity to discuss this further with him.To allow him to view and discuss his return further with myself(and to keep the bf1 beta thread on topic)I have started this thread here.
I will continue to discuss with RzaRay what his main area of gaming will be etc to get him facilitated with the right Company to help him successfully complete his recruitment period.

Side note for RzaRay - you should have the ability to view this thread where it's situated.Just holla at me here and we can continue where we left off.

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